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Privacy, Refund and Return Policy

NOTE: This Privacy Policy is written in the Montenegrin language and a translation into any other language is informative. In case of any discrepancies between the translation and the original text in the Montenegrin language, the original text will have priority. Below is an informal English translation.


Veb-sajt je u vlasništvu kompanije Sport&Adventure K4 d.o.o, smještene u Tivtu, Donja Lastva, Cacovo, br.1.

2. Politika Privatnosti

2.1 Definicije Politike Privatnosti

Ova Politika Privatnosti reguliše praksu prikupljanja informacija od korisnika prilikom korištenja veb-sajta, kao i njihovo skladištenje u bazama podataka. Naša politika privatnosti uključuje razloge kako i zašto prikupljamo, koristimo i štitimo vaše lične podatke.

Zadržavamo diskreciono pravo da izmijenimo ovu Politiku Privatnosti u bilo koje vrijeme, a takav izmijenjeni tekst postaje važeći odmah nakon objavljivanja na veb-sajtu bez prethodne najave.

Nastavkom korištenja veb-sajta nakon promjena implicira da prihvatate sve uslove izmijenjene Politike Privatnosti. Stoga savjetujemo korisnicima da povremeno ponovo pročitaju informacije sadržane u Politici Privatnosti kako bi bili informisani o bilo kakvim promjenama. Ako se ne slažete sa ovom Politikom Privatnosti, molimo vas da napustite veb-sajt

2.2 Metod Prikupljanja i Korištenja Podataka

Tokom vaše posjete sajtu, možemo prikupiti vaše lične podatke potrebne za postavljanje vašeg naloga, u svrhu fakturisanja ili isporuke vaših proizvoda. Koristimo vaše lične podatke isključivo kako bismo vam omogućili pružanje proizvoda i usluga koje želite da zadovolje vaše potrebe ili da prilagodimo našu ponudu, tj. personalizujemo je, poboljšamo funkcionisanje Veb-sajta, osiguramo verifikaciju administrativnih zadataka, uspostavimo kontakt sa vama, unaprijedimo naše reklamne i promotivne rezultate, te poboljšamo našu ponudu proizvoda ili usluga na tržištu, kao i za saradnju sa institucijama za sprovođenje zakona.

Prilikom prijavljivanja za učešće na događajima, možemo prikupljati lične podatke ne samo kupaca već i učesnika, uključujući maloljetna lica. U svim slučajevima, ovi podaci se čuvaju u našim sistemima i obrađuju uz najviši stepen sigurnosti i diskrecije, u skladu sa zakonima o zaštiti podataka.

Ne prodajemo niti iznajmljujemo vaše lične podatke trećim stranama. Međutim, možemo otkriti vaše podatke našim poslovnim jedinicama i partnerima. U nijednom slučaju nećemo zloupotrijebiti vaše lične podatke. U nastavku ćemo navesti načine i razloge za eventualno pružanje vaših informacija za normalno funkcionisanje Veb-sajta.

2.3. Skladištenje i Očuvanje Podataka

Sport&Adventure K4 d.o.o, kao prodavac proizvoda i usluga na Veb-sajtu, ulaže maksimalne napore da zaštiti vašu privatnost kada ste “online” kao korisnik. Vaši lični podaci se čuvaju na siguran i povjerljiv način, te se obrađuju zakonito u skladu sa ovom politikom privatnosti. Preduzimamo odgovarajuće tehničke i organizacione mjere za zaštitu od neovlaštenog i ilegalnog pristupa i obrade vaših ličnih podataka, uključujući enkripciju vaših informacija. Vaše informacije ćemo čuvati onoliko dugo koliko je potrebno za obradu vaše narudžbine, vaše uplate, izvršenje povrata novca, odgovor na pritužbu ili pružanje promotivnih informacija na koje ste se pretplatili.

2.4. Kolačići (Cookies)

Kolačić je informacija sačuvana na vašem računaru od strane veb-sajta koji posjećujete. Kolačići obično čuvaju vaše postavke, postavke veb-sajta, kao što su preferirani jezik ili adresa. Kasnije, kada ponovo otvorite isti veb-sajt, internet pregledač šalje nazad kolačiće koji pripadaju tom sajtu. Ovo omogućava sajtu da vas prepozna i prikaže informacije prilagođene vašim potrebama. Ako ne želite da naš Veb-sajt ima pristup vašim kolačićima, možete ih blokirati. Većina web pregledača omogućava vam blokiranje kolačića. To možete učiniti putem postavki vašeg web pregledača.

3. Opšti Uslovi Korištenja
3.1. Opšti Uslovi Korištenja

Usluge koje nudi veb-platforma su sljedeće:

Kupovina ulaznica za sportske i avanturističke događaje
Kupovina i isporuka sportske odjeće, sportskih rekvizita i dodataka poput šolja, boca za vodu, olovaka, sveski i slično.

Robe i usluge prodavane putem Veb-sajta posjeduju svojstva neophodna za redovnu upotrebu takvog tipa.

Prodajna cijena robe je naznačena uz svaki artikl, a mogućnost kupovine robe po posebnim cijenama ili pod posebnim prodajnim poticajima (promotivna prodaja) se provodi u skladu sa uslovima objavljenim na našem sajtu.

Težimo da budemo što tačniji u opisu proizvoda, prikazu slika i samih cijena, ali ne možemo garantovati da su sve informacije kompletne i bez grešaka. Slike možda nisu 100% identične proizvodima. Svi artikli prikazani na sajtu su dio naše ponude i to ne implicira da su dostupni u svakom trenutku.

4. Politika Dostave
4.1. Trenutak Prihvatanja Narudžbine

Nakon narudžbine, bićete obaviješteni o statusu vaše narudžbine putem emaila koji ste naveli tokom procesa naručivanja. Narudžbina je prihvaćena od strane Sport&Adventure K4 d.o.o samo nakon što vam pošaljemo email potvrdu o prihvatanju.

4.2. Period Dostave

Period dostave za narudžbine je 3 radna dana. Narudžbine poslane petkom i vikendom biće isporučene unutar 3 radna dana.

4.3. Kašnjenje u Dostavi

U slučaju kašnjenja u dostavi, kupac ima pravo da otkaže kupovinu, i u tom slučaju, sva sredstva će biti vraćena.

4.4. Cijena Dostave

Naručeni proizvodi se šalju putem kurirske službe koja je spremna da prihvati i sigurno dostavi pošiljku u tom trenutku, a određene stvari (QR kodovi za popuste i slično) ćete moći primiti i putem emaila koji ste ostavili tokom kupovine ili registracije. Troškovi dostave se dodaju cijeni proizvoda i prikazuju se uz cijenu proizvoda tokom procesa naručivanja na Veb-sajtu.

U slučaju zamjene robe, troškovi povratka robe snosi kupac.

Možemo podijeliti vašu narudžbinu tokom dostave u više dijelova zavisno od dostupnosti i pristupačnosti robe na skladištu (može se desiti da je u drugoj prodavnici ili skladištu u drugom gradu). Ovo neće prouzrokovati dodatne troškove za kupca.

4.5. Procedura Dostave

Pošiljka stiže na adresu u periodu navedenom u tački 4.2.

Neophodno je da tokom tog perioda bude osoba na adresi koja može primiti pošiljku. Kurir pokušava dostaviti svaku pošiljku dva puta. Ako vas kurir ne pronađe na adresi, pozvat će vas na telefon koji ste ostavili tokom kreiranja narudžbine i dogovoriti novi termin dostave. Ako vas ponovno ne pronađe na adresi, pošiljka se vraća na naša poslovna mjesta.

Prilikom prijema pošiljke, potrebno je vizuelno pregledati paket kako biste osigurali da nema vidljivih oštećenja. Ako primijetite da je transportna kutija značajno oštećena i sumnjate da je proizvod mogao biti oštećen, imate pravo da odbijete da prihvatite pošiljku i odmah nas obavijestite putem emaila: Ako pošiljka izgleda neozbiljno oštećeno, slobodno prihvatite pošiljku.

5. Politika Plaćanja
5.1. Metodi Plaćanja

Plaćanje proizvoda na našem sajtu je moguće putem jednog od sljedećih metoda: kreditne kartice – VISA, Maestro ili MasterCard koje podržavaju online plaćanja. Plaćanja karticama se obavljaju u saradnji sa NLB Banka AD Podgorica i izvršavaju se na siguran i sertificiran način putem Bankart Payment Gateway, jednostavnim unosom podataka kartice.

Jednom kada unesete podatke kartice i potvrdite plaćanje, banka autorizuje transakciju, te tako narudžbina bude odobrena i ulazi u daljnji proces pripreme za dostavu. Iznos će biti rezervisan na vašoj kartici (računu) i neće biti dostupan za drugu svrhu.

Transakcija će biti završena i iznos će biti skinut sa vašeg računa tek kada proizvodi budu pripremljeni za transport i predate kurirskoj službi. Ako plaćanje nije završeno, tj. iznos nije skinut sa računa unutar 14 dana od prihvatanja vaše narudžbine, ta narudžbina će biti otkazana i obrisana. Nakon isteka 14-dnevnog perioda, novac rezervisan na vašem računu se otpušta i ponovo će biti dostupan vama. Nakon toga, možete ponoviti istu ili novu narudžbinu, i izvršiti plaćanje vezano za njih.

Provjerite sa bankom koja je izdala karticu da li vaša kartica podržava online plaćanja.

5.2. Zaštita Podataka Tokom Plaćanja Karticama

Prilikom unosa podataka kartice, poverljive informacije se prenose preko javne mreže u zaštićenom (enkriptovanom) obliku korištenjem SSL protokola, primjenjujući najmodernije metode tokenizacije osjetljivih podataka, i u skladu sa PCI-DSS standardima. Nikada podaci kartice nisu dostupni trgovcu.

3D Secure zaštita za sve trgovce i kupce – Ixopay Payment Gateway koristi najviše globalne standarde zaštite podataka i privatnosti. Svi trgovci koji koriste Bankart Payment Gateway automatski su uključeni u 3D-Secure zaštitu, čime se garantuje sigurnost kupovina za kupce. Brojevi kartica kupaca se ne čuvaju u sistemu trgovca i sam unos je zaštićen SSL enkripcijom podataka.

PCI standardi štite osjetljive podatke korisnika kartica tokom cijelog procesa plaćanja: od trenutka unosa podataka na prodajnom mjestu trgovca, tokom komunikacija između trgovca i relevantnih banaka i kartičnih organizacija, te kasnijeg skladištenja tih podataka.

5.3. Registracija Metoda Plaćanja

Kada su podaci o kartici kupca TOKENIZOVANI (sačuvani na sertificiran način za kasniju upotrebu), na zahtjev kupca ili odluku trgovca, ovi podaci se čuvaju na Bankart PCI-DSS sertifikovanim serverima. Takvi tokenizovani podaci kartica se prenose na potpuno siguran i sertificiran način. Trgovac nikada nema pristup detaljima broja kartice i drugim osjetljivim podacima, već prima referentni broj (token) koji samo oni mogu koristiti u skladu sa uslovima dogovorenim sa kupcem. Kupac ima mogućnost da odjavi prethodno registrovanu karticu, kao i da promijeni detalje ranije tokenizovane kartice.

5.4. Politika Povrata Novca

U slučaju povrata novca kupcu koji je prethodno platio jednom od kreditnih kartica, djelimično ili u cijelosti, bez obzira na razlog povrata, takav povrat se vrši isključivo putem iste VISA, Maestro ili MasterCard kartice korištene za plaćanje. Ovo znači da naša banka izvrši povrat na račun vlasnika kartice na naš zahtjev.

6. Politika Pritužbi
6.1. Procedura Pritužbi

Proizvodi prodavani putem naše online prodavnice dolaze uz svu zakonom zahtijevanu dokumentaciju uključujući garancione certifikate proizvođača za određene proizvode. Ako postoji potreba za podnošenjem pritužbe na određeni artikal zbog kvaliteta, ispunit ćemo sve zakonski definirane obaveze za prodavca, na isti način kao da ste kupili robu u tradicionalnoj prodavnici.

Robe pokrivene garancijom proizvođača se prodaju sa garancijom proizvođača produženom na Kupca. Proces pritužbe se inicira na zahtjev kupca, popunjavanjem Zahtjeva za Kvalitetsku Pritužbu.

Ako želite započeti proces pritužbe, potrebno je da nas kontaktirate putem emaila:, kako bismo vam poslali ovaj Zahtjev.

Sport&Adventure K4 d.o.o. ne preuzima odgovornost za greške kupca, pogrešno kupljene proizvode, ili bilo koje druge greške povezane sa vašim radnjama tokom kupovine na Veb-sajtu. Ako iskusite nepravilnosti u radu tokom kupovine proizvoda na Veb-sajtu ili niste primili kupljeni proizvod, molimo vas da kontaktirate korisničku službu putem emaila:, i nastojaćemo da što brže otklonimo nepravilnosti kako biste mogli primiti kupljeni proizvod.

Ako je bilo koji proizvod koji ste kupili defektan ili ne funkcioniše pravilno iz bilo kojeg razloga, molimo vas da kontaktirate našu korisničku službu putem emaila:, ali također pogledajte garancioni certifikat kako biste se upoznali sa detaljima garancije i procedure pritužbi.

6.2. Pravo na Povrat ili Zamjenu Robe

Potrošač ima pravo na povrat novca ili zamjenu za drugi proizvod. Iznos se vraća kupcu po prijemu proizvoda, i nakon što se utvrdi da je proizvod vraćen neozbiljno oštećen i ispravan.

6.3. Pravo na Povlačenje, Prava i Obaveze Kupca i Prodavca

Zakon u slučaju prodaje na daljinu uspostavlja pravo kupca, koji se smatra potrošačem (prirodna osoba koja kupuje proizvod za zadovoljavanje svojih individualnih potreba, a ne za obavljanje profesionalnih aktivnosti), da se povuče iz ugovora unutar 14 dana od dana kada je proizvod predao. Tokom povlačenja, kupac može, ali nije obavezan, navesti razloge za povlačenje. Obrazac/izjava o povlačenju iz ugovora stiče pravnu snagu od dana kada se pošalje trgovcu. U slučaju povlačenja, potrošač ima pravo na povrat novca ili zamjenu za drugi proizvod. Cijena se vraća kupcu po prijemu proizvoda, i nakon što se utvrdi da je proizvod neozbiljno oštećen i ispravan. Kupac je obavezan da vrati proizvod bez odlaganja, a najkasnije unutar 14 dana od dana kada je poslao obrazac za povlačenje. Nakon isteka 14-dnevnog perioda od dana slanja povlačenja, proizvod više ne može biti vraćen. Prilikom vraćanja robe, obavezno je vratiti je u ispravnom i neiskorištenom stanju i originalnom neozbiljno oštećenom pakovanju, te uz priloženu originalnu fakturu izdate za taj proizvod. Po prijemu proizvoda, utvrdit će se da li je proizvod ispravan i neozbiljno oštećen. Kupac je odgovoran za bilo kakav kvar ili oštećenje proizvoda koje je rezultat neadekvatnog rukovanja proizvodom, tj. kupac je isključivo odgovoran za smanjenje vrijednosti proizvoda koje nastaje kao rezultat rukovanja robom na način koji nije adekvatan, tj. prelazi ono što je potrebno da se utvrdi njegova priroda, karakteristike i funkcionalnost. Ako se utvrdi da je kvar ili oštećenje proizvoda nastalo zbog greške kupca, povrat će biti odbijen, a proizvod će biti vraćen kupcu na njegov trošak. Trgovac je obavezan da povrati potrošaču bez odlaganja iznos koji je potrošač platio po ugovoru, i najkasnije unutar 14 dana od dana prijema izjave o povlačenju, i nakon prijema proizvoda.

6.4. Troškovi Povraćaja Robe i Novca

Troškovi povraćaja robe i novca snosi kupac, osim u slučajevima kada kupac primi defektan ili pogrešan artikal.

7. Vodič za Kupovinu
7.1. Vodič za Kupovinu na Veb-sajtu – Proces Kupovine

Svi artikli koje smo prikazali na našem veb-sajtu možete naručiti vrlo brzo i jednostavno. Sve što trebate da uradite je da pronađete artikal koji želite, ostavite svoje podatke, i pobrinućemo se da svi naručeni proizvodi stignu unutar 3 dana.

Nakon pristupanja našem sajtu, nastavite sa pretragom artikala. Kako biste ubrzali i olakšali vašu pretragu, možete koristiti filtere.

Kupovina se obavlja na način da je prvo potrebno odabrati određeni proizvod (uslugu, proizvod) i dodati ga u “korpu”. Nakon toga, možete nastaviti sa pretragom/kupovinom drugih proizvoda koje također dodajete u korpu po želji. Kada odlučite da zaključite kupovinu, potrebno je kliknuti na Korpu, zatim unijeti potrebne informacije i izabrati metod plaćanja. Ako je metod plaćanja vaša kreditna kartica, unesite podatke i zatim kliknite Plati za narudžbinu. Kada se kupovina završi, primit ćete potvrdu o uspješnoj ili neuspješnoj kupovini putem Stranice za Potvrdu na našem veb-sajtu, kao i putem potvrđujućeg emaila na adresu koju ste ostavili prilikom unosa podataka vezanih za kupovinu.

Ako imate bilo kakvih problema tokom procesa naručivanja, naš Web Tim vam stoji na raspolaganju i slobodno nas kontaktirajte putem emaila:

Ako vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć ili imate pitanja vezana za Politiku Privatnosti, Opšte Uslove Korištenja, Politiku Dostave, Politiku Plaćanja, Politiku Pritužbi ili Vodič za Kupovinu, slobodno nas kontaktirajte putem navedenih email adresa ili putem našeg veb-sajta.


The website is owned by the company Sport&Adventure K4 d.o.o, located in Tivat, Donja Lastva, Cacovo, No. 1.

  1. Privacy Policy

2.1 Definitions of the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy governs the practice of collecting information from users when using the website, as well as their storage in databases. Our privacy policy includes reasons how and why we collect, use, and protect your personal data.

We retain the discretionary right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time, and such modified text becomes effective immediately upon posting on the website without prior notice.

Continued use of the website after changes implies that you accept all terms of the amended Privacy Policy. Therefore, we advise users to periodically reread the information contained in the Privacy Policy to be informed of any changes. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please leave the website

2.2 Method of Data Collection and Use

During your visit to the site, we may collect your personal data necessary for setting up your account, for billing purposes, or for delivering your products. We use your personal data exclusively to enable the provision of products and services you wish to meet your needs or to customize our offer, i.e., personalize it, improve the functioning of the Website, ensure verification of administrative tasks, establish contact with you, improve our advertising and promotional results, and enhance our product or service offerings in the market, as well as for cooperation with law enforcement institutions.

When signing up for events, we may collect personal data not only from customers but also from participants, including minors. In all cases, this data is stored in our systems and processed with the highest degree of security and discretion, in accordance with data protection laws.

We do not sell or rent your personal data to third parties. However, we may disclose your data to our business units and partners. In no case will we misuse your personal data. Below we will list the ways and reasons for possibly providing your information for the normal functioning of the Website.

2.3. Storage and Preservation of Data

Sport&Adventure K4 d.o.o, as a seller of products and services on the Website, makes maximum efforts to protect your privacy when you are “online” as a user. Your personal data is kept secure and confidential, and processed lawfully in accordance with this privacy policy. We take appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect against unauthorized and illegal access and processing of your personal data, including encrypting your information. We will keep your information as long as necessary to process your order, your payment, perform a refund, respond to a complaint, or provide promotional information you have subscribed to.

2.4. Cookies

A cookie is information saved on your computer by the website you visit. Cookies usually store your settings, website settings, such as preferred language or address. Later, when you open the same website again, the internet browser sends back cookies that belong to that site. This allows the site to recognize you and display information tailored to your needs. If you do not want our Website to have access to your cookies, you can block them. Most web browsers allow you to block cookies. You can do this through the settings of your web browser.

  1. General Terms of Use

3.1. General Terms of Use

The services offered by the web platform are as follows:

Purchasing tickets for sports and adventure events Purchasing and delivering sports clothing, sports equipment, and accessories such as mugs, water bottles, pens, notebooks, and similar.

Goods and services sold through the Website possess properties necessary for regular use of such type.

The sale price of goods is indicated next to each item, and the possibility of purchasing goods at special prices or under special sales incentives (promotional sales) is carried out in accordance with the conditions published on our site.

We strive to be as accurate as possible in the description of products, display of images, and prices, but we cannot guarantee that all information is complete and error-free. Images may not be 100% identical to products. All items displayed on the site are part of our offer and this does not imply that they are available at all times.

  1. Delivery Policy

4.1. Order Acceptance Moment

After ordering, you will be notified about the status of your order via email that you provided during the ordering process. An order is accepted by Sport&Adventure K4 d.o.o only after we send you an email confirmation of acceptance.

4.2. Delivery Period

The delivery period for orders is 3 business days. Orders sent on Friday and during the weekend will be delivered within 3 business days.

4.3. Delivery Delay

In case of a delivery delay, the customer has the right to cancel the purchase, and in that case, all funds will be returned.

4.4. Delivery Price

Ordered products are sent via a courier service that is ready to accept and safely deliver the shipment at that time, and certain things (QR codes for discounts and similar) you will be able to receive via the email you left during the purchase or registration. Delivery costs are added to the product price and displayed with the product price during the ordering process on the Website.

In case of product exchange, the costs of returning the goods are borne by the customer.

We may divide your order during delivery into several parts depending on the availability and accessibility of goods in stock (it may happen that it is in another store or warehouse in another city). This will not cause additional costs for the customer.

4.5. Delivery Procedure

The shipment arrives at the address during the period mentioned in item 4.2.

It is necessary that during that period there is a person at the address who can receive the shipment. The courier tries to deliver each shipment twice. If the courier does not find you at the address, they will call you on the phone you left during the order creation and arrange a new delivery time. If they do not find you at the address again, the shipment is returned to our business locations.

When receiving the shipment, it is necessary to visually inspect the package to ensure that there are no visible damages. If you notice that the transport box is significantly damaged and suspect that the product may have been damaged, you have the right to refuse to accept the shipment and immediately notify us via email: If the shipment looks seriously damaged, feel free to accept the shipment.

  1. Payment Policy

5.1. Payment Methods

Payment for products on our site is possible through one of the following methods: credit cards – VISA, Maestro, or MasterCard that support online payments. Card payments are carried out in cooperation with NLB Banka AD Podgorica and are performed in a secure and certified manner through Bankart Payment Gateway, by simply entering card details.

Once you enter the card details and confirm the payment, the bank authorizes the transaction, thus the order is approved and enters the further process of preparation for delivery. The amount will be reserved on your card (account) and will not be available for another purpose.

The transaction will be completed and the amount will be deducted from your account only when the products are prepared for transport and handed over to the courier service. If the payment is not completed, i.e., the amount is not deducted from the account within 14 days of accepting your order, that order will be canceled and deleted. After the expiration of the 14-day period, the money reserved on your account is released and will again be available to you. After that, you can repeat the same or a new order, and perform the payment related to them.

Check with the bank that issued the card whether your card supports online payments.

5.2. Data Protection During Card Payments

When entering card details, confidential information is transmitted over the public network in a protected (encrypted) form using SSL protocol, applying the most modern methods of tokenization of sensitive data, and in accordance with PCI-DSS standards. Card details are never available to the merchant.

3D Secure protection for all merchants and customers – Ixopay Payment Gateway uses the highest global standards for data protection and privacy. All merchants using Bankart Payment Gateway are automatically included in 3D-Secure protection, guaranteeing the security of purchases for customers. Customer card numbers are not stored in the merchant system and the entry itself is protected by SSL data encryption.

PCI standards protect sensitive cardholder data throughout the entire payment process: from the moment of data entry at the merchant’s sales point, during communications between the merchant and relevant banks and card organizations, and later storage of that data.

5.3. Registration of Payment Methods

When the customer’s card details are TOKENIZED (saved in a certified manner for later use), at the request of the customer or the decision of the merchant, these details are stored on Bankart PCI-DSS certified servers. Such tokenized card details are transferred in a completely secure and certified manner. The merchant never has access to card number details and other sensitive data, but receives a reference number (token) that they can use in accordance with the terms agreed with the customer. The customer has the option to unsubscribe a previously registered card, as well as to change details of a previously tokenized card.

5.4. Refund Policy

In case of a refund to a customer who previously paid with one of the credit cards, partially or in full, regardless of the reason for the refund, such a refund is carried out exclusively through the same VISA, Maestro, or MasterCard card used for payment. This means that our bank performs a refund to the cardholder’s account at our request.

  1. Complaint Policy

6.1. Complaint Procedure

Products sold through our online store come with all legally required documentation including manufacturer’s warranty certificates for certain products. If there is a need to submit a complaint about a particular item due to quality, we will fulfill all legally defined obligations for the seller, in the same way as if you had bought the goods in a traditional store.

Goods covered by the manufacturer’s warranty are sold with the manufacturer’s warranty extended to the Buyer. The complaint process is initiated at the request of the customer, by filling out a Quality Complaint Request.

If you want to start the complaint process, you need to contact us via email:, so we can send you this Request.

Sport&Adventure K4 d.o.o. does not assume responsibility for customer errors, wrongly purchased products, or any other errors related to your actions during shopping on the Website. If you experience irregularities in the operation during the purchase of products on the Website or have not received the purchased product, please contact customer service via email:, and we will strive to eliminate irregularities as soon as possible so you can receive the purchased product.

If any product you have purchased is defective or does not function properly for any reason, please contact our customer service via email:, but also check the warranty certificate to become familiar with the details of the warranty and complaint procedures.

6.2. Right to Refund or Exchange Goods

The consumer has the right to a refund or exchange for another product. The amount is returned to the customer upon receipt of the product, and after it is determined that the product is returned not seriously damaged and functional.

6.3. Right to Withdrawal, Rights and Obligations of the Customer and Seller

The law in the case of distance selling establishes the right of the customer, who is considered a consumer (a natural person who buys a product to meet their individual needs, not to perform professional activities), to withdraw from the contract within 14 days from the day the product was handed over. During the withdrawal, the customer can, but is not obliged to, state the reasons for the withdrawal. The form/statement of withdrawal from the contract gains legal force from the day it is sent to the merchant. In case of withdrawal, the consumer has the right to a refund or exchange for another product. The price is returned to the customer upon receipt of the product, and after it is determined that the product is not seriously damaged and functional. The customer is required to return the product without delay, and no later than within 14 days from the day the withdrawal form was sent. After the expiration of the 14-day period from the day of sending the withdrawal, the product can no longer be returned. When returning goods, it is mandatory to return them in a functional and unused condition and in the original not seriously damaged packaging, along with the original invoice issued for that product. Upon receipt of the product, it will be determined whether the product is functional and not seriously damaged. The customer is responsible for any defect or damage to the product resulting from inadequate handling of the product, i.e., the customer is solely responsible for the reduction in the value of the product that occurs as a result of handling the goods in a way that is not adequate, i.e., exceeds what is necessary to determine its nature, characteristics, and functionality. If it is determined that the defect or damage to the product occurred due to the customer’s fault, the return will be denied, and the product will be returned to the customer at their expense. The merchant is obliged to refund the consumer without delay the amount that the consumer paid under the contract, and no later than within 14 days from the day of receiving the statement of withdrawal, and after receiving the product.

6.4. Costs of Returning Goods and Money

The costs of returning goods and money are borne by the customer, except in cases where the customer receives a defective or wrong item.

  1. Buying Guide

7.1. Buying Guide on the Website – Buying Process

All items that we have displayed on our website can be ordered very quickly and easily. All you need to do is find the item you want, leave your details, and we will ensure that all ordered products arrive within 3 days.

After accessing our site, continue searching for items. To speed up and simplify your search, you can use filters.

The purchase is made in such a way that it is first necessary to select a specific product (service, product) and add it to the “cart”. After that, you can continue searching/shopping for other products that you also add to the cart as desired. When you decide to conclude the purchase, you need to click on the Cart, then enter the necessary information and choose the payment method. If the payment method is your credit card, enter the details and then click Pay for the order. When the purchase is completed, you will receive a confirmation of successful or unsuccessful purchase via the Confirmation Page on our website, as well as via a confirming email at the address you left when entering purchase-related information.

If you have any problems during the ordering process, our Web Team is at your disposal and feel free to contact us via email:

If you need additional assistance or have questions related to the Privacy Policy, General Terms of Use, Delivery Policy, Payment Policy, Complaint Policy, or Buying Guide, feel free to contact us via the listed email addresses or through our website.

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